You Can Have Features on Your Blog Now

As most of you guys probably know is the hosted version of the WordPress software. You can sign-up for a free account there and get a blog with an address like

While I don’t recommend the hosted version (because by hosting the software yourself you have much more control and flexibility), used to offer some exclusive and very useful features. The good news is that Automattic just released a WordPress plugin called Jetpack that will bring all those features to self-hosted WordPress blogs as well.

Here is a list of the features:

  • Stats: Simple, concise site stats with no additional load on your server.
  • Twitter Widget: Display the latest updates from a Twitter user inside your theme’s widgets.
  • Gravatar Hovercards: Show a pop-up business card of your users’ Gravatar profiles in comments.
  • Shortlinks: Enable shortlinks for all of your Posts and Pages for easier sharing.
  • Sharedaddy: The most super duper sharing tool on the interwebs. Share content with Facebook, Twitter, and many more.
  • LaTeX: Mark up your posts with the LaTeX markup language, perfect for complex mathematical equations and other über-geekery.
  • After the Deadline: After the Deadline helps you write better by adding spell, style, and grammar checking to WordPress.
  • Shortcode Embeds: Easily embed videos and more from sites like YouTube, Vimeo, and SlideShare.

There are more features coming soon, so definitely keep an eye on that plugin. The decision to release that plugin to all WordPress users also signals Automattic’s care about the whole WordPress community, not just those using the hosted version, which is a very positive thing.

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7 Responses to “You Can Have Features on Your Blog Now”

  1. Self hosting is the always want to have control over your content..

    “Black Seo Guy “Signing Off”

  2. Awesome, I love plugins that do so many useful things at once to keep the number I install down. Stats and sharedaddy alone make this plugin worth using.

  3. I always liked the stats better than Google Analytics for a quick overview. It’ll be nice to have.

  4. Thanks for sharing the useful WordPress plugins with us. It’s easier when someone experienced recommends them yo us.

  5. Its definitely a very useful plugin (saves installing a lot of separate ones) but I think their motives are partly down to wanting to sell more premium services. All the features at the moment say free which suggests that future ones may not be…

    • And legions of people will gladly pay for them. They make good products. Why shouldn’t they charge for some of them?

      • I’m not saying they shouldn’t – I pay for some

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